2019 – 2020 Executive Board

CoachesJoseph Mellano, Tyler Krentz, Christ Foster & Hailey Williams

2019 – 2020 Executive Board

Chair Kayla Huynh
Vice Chair of Tournaments Sarah Early
Vice Chair of National Teams Maura Duffey
Media and Public Relations Coordinator Noelle Webster


Alumni Torts Tournament
Alumni Problem Writer Dalton Case
Alumni Tournament Coordinators Caitlyn Emery (Lead), Alexandria Heins, & Rebecca Heywood
National Criminal Procedure Tournament
Criminal Procedure Problem Writer Joseph Markus
Criminal Procedure Tournament Coordinators Kaitlyn Enticknap (Lead), Diane Gerstenfeld, Samir Hafez & Kit Ryan
Paul A. McLennon, Sr. Honors Tournament
McLennon Problem Writer Christopher Hodge
McLennon Tournament Coordinators Tara Giery & Nathaniel Muir

National Teams

Fall Competitions
Billings, Exum, & Frye National Moot Court Competition Diane Gerstenfeld & Nathaniel Muir
Burton D. Wechsler National First Amendment Moot Court Competition Tara Giery & Rebecca Heywood
Emory Civil Rights & Liberties Competition Kaitlyn Enticknap & Kit Ryan
NYC Bar/ACTL National Moot Court Competition Dalton Case & Samir Hafez
Spring Competitions
Coaches Melisa McKellar, Ryan Cannon, Patrick Stormes-Swan & Andrew Rodriguez
ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition Maura Duffey & Noelle Webster
Sarah Early & Joseph Markus
Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition Rebecca Heywood & Maryam Atty*
Anastasia Zarahoff* & Rose Mennig*
Team Writer: Krishna Hammond*
National Moot Court Competition in Child Welfare and Adoption Law Diane Anh* & Meghan Crumm*
Saul Lefkowitz Moot Court Competition Kayla Huynh & Karla Lopez Torres*
Christopher Hodge & Hannah Karraker*
Fed Bar Moot Court Competition Caitlyn Emery & Kaitlyn Enticknap

* Associate Board Member